💖2021 Plaster cast still life workshop💖 2021 素描石膏像/水果靜物實物寫生課
💖2021 Plaster cast still life workshop💖
2021 素描石膏像/水果靜物實物寫生課
🕑Class starts on: Saturday, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 2021 Duration: 3 Weeks 💎Saturday| 03:30 pm-05:30 pm 🏨Location: OBI ART ACADEMYArt
☘️Instructor: Max Wan, Anna Kang ,Daniel Cherng
✅ Create vibrant, drawings with full value range using charcoal/graphite.
✅ Starting with a block-in sketch then learn the principles of form modeling to create a look of realism and three dimensionality. Students can work from still life set-ups or can choose to draw their own subjects.