Children Art Class Topic: Raining Day silhouette
Topic: Raining Day silhouette # (Drawing Color Paper,Acrylic) Grade: preK-1st Grade # Children Art Class
Our Children art class on this project is a silhouette is a drawing that is generally a black-and-white outline of a person or object. The easiest and most accurate way of making a silhouette is by tracing the outline of a real person's face. A silhouette can be made with a few items around the house and is a great project for kids on a rainy day
This lesson teachers shows how to make black shadow of running people in the picture. It helps kids to learn to think monotone and cutting shapes design,and guide them to use their imagination to create unique raining day background in the scene.

<兒童美術班> 主題: # 下雨天剪影設計 (彩色圖畫紙,壓克力) # 兒童美術班(4-10歲)